The Truth About Liquid Waterproofing

Unexpected leaking during rainy weather is a common occurrence. It saturates the soil, cracks concrete, seeps through structural foundations, and facilitates the growth of mildew and mold. Ultimately, it leaves countless homeowners scrambling for effective remedies. Considering its impact, unanticipated flooding can lead to a long list of expenses. Possessions that have suffered water damage must be replaced. The interiors of homes and other affected buildings, such as drywall, carpeting, and ceiling tiles, must be replaced or repaired. These experiences typically serve as warnings to take preventative measures against future occurrences.

Waterproofing: What are the Options?

When shopping for waterproofing solutions, homeowners are often restricted by their budgets or simply tempted to invest minimally. As a result, they tend to succumb to low-quality “quick fix” options. Their relatively low prices initially seem more cost-effective than their pricier counterparts, but they often lack longevity and result in more repairs and replacements along the way.

Liquid repair products like paint-on coating and paint-on rubber are effective in theory. Solutions that aim to repel water and control radon should be regarded with suspicion as well. These options generally require bases, primers, or other multi-step measures. Once all the necessary products have been purchased, hundreds of dollars will have been spent. While this may still cost less than a professional waterproofing project, it is only hiding the problem – not correcting it. The underlying issue is a faulty foundation.

A Better Solution to Liquid Waterproofing

Instead of wasting time, money, and other valuable resources, seeking professional guidance is the most prudent course of action. The experts at Intech Anchoring are available to discuss an array of resolutions that are scalable to meet countless different needs. The most popular possibilities include:

    • Crack injection systems: Depending on the size of the crack, flexible urethane or epoxy fillers can be inserted to seal and weld the damage. This system interrupts the deterioration of concrete while safeguarding the steel reinforcement in the foundation.
    • Carbon fiber: Woven carbon fiber is stronger than steel, so it can easily reinforce a structure’s foundation. It entails a crack injection, followed by concealment with carbon fiber strips. A steel angle is then added to the top of the finished project. This solution is permanent and maintenance-free, and no excavating, digging, or welding is required. It even includes a transferable warranty.
    • Hydraway Drainage System: This system has an 80 percent inflow rate, making it the fastest mechanism of its kind. It is manufactured using a durable geotextile material so effective that it warrants a clog-free guarantee. The Hydraway consists of a component that collects water near the foundation of a home, along with another component that redirects it to a pump. It is then sent away from the foundation by way of its discharge lines. The system efficiently and effectively avoids hydrostatic pressure that leads to cracking and shifting at the base of the structure.

For more information about the cause of leakage, contact Intech Anchoring to schedule a free consultation and to obtain a free quote. Our qualified professionals are prepared to explore options, explain how the presenting problem can be resolved in a cost-effective manner, and how your home’s value can be restored.

Contact Intech Anchoring for a Quote

Tim Comb


Tim is the President of Intech Anchoring and has 25 years of experience in the Civil Engineering and Geostructural Industry. Tim has developed extensive industry knowledge by working to support the needs of specialty contractors at each and every business level. Tim’s diverse industry background has given him exposure to a wide variety civil construction projects, ranging from the simplest residential applications to the most complex commercial and industrial projects. Coupled with a highly skilled and educated team, Tim focuses on providing the highest quality products and solutions to Intech Anchoring’s customers in order to consistently exceed expectations.