Are you noticing a bend in the wall of your home? Is the wall leaning slightly in one direction or another? If your basement walls are cracked or bowed, it could be an indication of a much more serious problem: a shifting foundation. This issue can cause weight imbalances that eventually lead to cracks and bowed walls.Some of the most common conditions leading to damaged basement walls are related to water:
When water builds up in the soil, it exerts pressure on non-porous materials, such as your foundation. Over time, the shifting of the soil and the increased pressure of the water will weaken the foundation.
Bowing or leaning basement walls are best corrected as soon as possible. If unaddressed, the problem will worsen and could reach the point of being irreparable. To avoid complete foundation replacement, take steps to reposition your walls to their correct alignment and add support to prevent future damage. Contact a professional to evaluate the problem and discuss the best solution to protect and secure your foundation.
There are two common solutions to bowing walls, both used as needed depending on the severity of the case. Helical wall anchors are used in more severe cases, where the bowing and cracking have begun to show evidence of substantial structural damage. Carbon fiber wall reinforcers are used to patch up cracks and prevent future damage from occurring.
Helical wall anchors resemble long screws and are implanted deep within the soil before being attached to damaged walls. Because inactive soil is highly stable, the underlying cause of bowing or leaning basement walls becomes the solution. The anchors hold the wall in place after they have been installed, realigning the wall in its original orientation.
Furthermore, helical anchors help prevent future wall deterioration even after the soil has been replaced around the foundation. Installation is minimally invasive, and can be done fairly quickly without great expense.
Carbon fiber wall enforcers are even less invasive and less expensive than helical anchors. They can be applied as woven carbon fiber or as laminate strips of carbon fiber, and both are very effective. Carbon fiber is up to 10 times stronger than steel, and once adhered to a wall, the carbon fiber resists shifting in the foundation, keeping the wall stable and preventing further cracking or bowing.
Carbon fiber is often chosen due to its lower cost, its fast and minimally invasive installation, and its ability to repair interior or exterior damage. Installation requires only that the wall be prepared and the fiber pressed firmly against the damaged areas.
At Intech Anchoring Systems, we offer evaluations, quotes, and installation services to help you repair your home in the most economic and efficient way possible. Whether your damage requires the installation of helical wall anchors or merely carbon fiber wall enforcers, Intech Anchoring Systems installers are certified to help. For an evaluation, quote, or any questions, call Intech Anchoring Systems at 800-223-7015.
Tim is the President of Intech Anchoring and has 25 years of experience in the Civil Engineering and Geostructural Industry. Tim has developed extensive industry knowledge by working to support the needs of specialty contractors at each and every business level. Tim’s diverse industry background has given him exposure to a wide variety civil construction projects, ranging from the simplest residential applications to the most complex commercial and industrial projects. Coupled with a highly skilled and educated team, Tim focuses on providing the highest quality products and solutions to Intech Anchoring’s customers in order to consistently exceed expectations.